This article was taken from the Leadership Development Course (1995 Revision) originally published by the Grand Lodge of NY Committee on Leadership Services, authored by Allan M. Bryant.
The cornerstone for a new Masonic Hall for Grand Lodge was laid June 8, 1870. The dedication of the completed structure took place June , 1875. In 1891 the cornerstone for the first building for the Masonic Home in Utica was laid. By 1893 the first guests at the home were received.
In 1947 the Masonic Foundation for Medical Research and Human Welfare was established. The cornerstone was laid in 1956 for the Masonic Medical Research Lab building. The building was completed in 1958.
Freemasonry gradually grew back in numbers until, in New York State, membership peaked to 343,700 in 1929. It declined during the depression years and peaked again in 1956 to 308,459 members. The full history of Freemasonry, and particularly in New York State, has been glorious and impressive. It continues to grow. We have merely touched on some of the highlights.