General Grand Chapter

The governing body for the Capitular Rite is referred to as the General Grand Chapter R.A.M. It is true that every Grand Chapter in the U.S.A. ‘has not seen fit to affiliate with the great Capitular family, but these are exceptions rather than the rule. In a few instances, those outside the fold refer to themselves as “independents,” but as a matter of fact they are no more independent than those who are members of General Grand Chapter.
Until 1946, the organization was known as the General Grand Chapter of the United States of America, but the name was changed to the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons when three Canadian Provinces were admitted. It is said to be the largest single Masonic group working under one banner; it claims forty-six American Chapters, three Canadian Provinces, and subordinate Chapters around the world. The organization meets every three years in what is called aTriennial Convocation.  It was established by virtue of a meeting held in Boston in 1797; its constitution was adopted in 1798. It is composed of the principal officers of all the Grand Chapters, Past Grand High Priests of member Grand Chapters, and representatives from each of its subordinate Chapters. [Edited by Richard Eades, from Ray V. Denslow’s Encyclopedia  A Royal Arch]

The article was taken from the Royal Arch Educational Minute, Grand Chapter, State of NY, Royal Arch Masons (
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